This Woman Almost Filed For A Divorce After Seeing The Photo Below



Sara grew interested in Mark

The more Sara stayed at that warehouse, the later it got and well the more interested she became in Mark.  There was just something so intriguing about his appearance and even his mysterious behavior. This generally drew her even closer to the guy and she felt so strongly that she couldn’t take her eyes off him. As a result, she made her grand move.

Sara thought the best thing she could do was to take Mark away from everyone else just to see if he’d be more comfortable and would start talking to her at least. The old warehouse was quite large so there was enough space for them to walk around and just talk. This was a great move Sara made because it actually paid off.

When the two were alone, Mark suddenly stopped being shy. In fact, he seemed very interested in Sara. The two had a great time together thanks to the long conversation they had. However, this entire time, Mark did not disclose much about his background. He told Sara very little about it.
