Jaqi, an energetic young woman, and her spouse Kevin Clements gave birth to their twins sooner than they could expect. However, the twins were pretty and healthy after birth. The Clements family had greeted the twins named “Leah Rose” and “Ava Marie” in 2010. and, just like any other newborn parents, the lives of Jaqi and Kevin would also change drastically. The girls have an incomparable beauty, so much so that with their mother’s help, they have become “models”. These are the images with which these twins captivated everybody on the internet.
An Early Arrival
On the 7th of July, 2010, Jaqi received an early visit from the twins, way before she expected.
The twins made their debut four and a half weeks ahead of schedule. However, as time passed, Jaqi realized the reason behind their early arrival.
Reflecting on the event, Jaqi remarked, “They arrived almost four weeks prematurely but understanding their personalities, it’s clear that it was fitting for them to come early, unannounced, and prepared to face the world.”